Vol 9, No 2

Table of Contents

  1. Research Article
    Towards Academy Conversion: Challenges and Opportunities for Catholic Schools PDF
    David Fincham, John Lydon
    The Academies Act 2010 made provision for all publicly-funded schools in England to become academies. In principle, schools would still be funded by the government but they would enjoy an increased degree of autonomy. In this respect, it is possible to draw parallels with the introduction of Grant-Maintained Schools (GMS) in the 1990s. As then, the prospect of converting to academy status has divided opinion amongst Catholic school leaders. In response to the government's initiative, though, and despite initial concerns, the Catholic Education Service (CES) has worked with the Department for Education (DfE) so that, providing their Bishop agrees that they do so, Catholic schools can apply for academy status. This paper draws on the findings of an investigation based on responses to a questionnaire survey of seventeen headteachers in Catholic primary and secondary schools across eight of the twenty-two dioceses in England and Wales. The intention of the investigation was to elicit their views about the prospect of Catholic schools applying for academy status.

  2. Research Article
    Corruption in Electricity Stealing According to Article 2 Paragraph (1) of Law Number 31 of 1999 on Corruption Crime Eradication PDF
    Wahyu Wiriadinata
    This paper entitled Corruption in Electricity Stealing was intended to answer questions on whether an electricity stealing can be qualified as a corruption crime and to the extent of which electricity stealing crimes may bring about losses in the state's finance. This paper was prepared by a juridical-normative writing method, that is, by studying legislations contained both in the law itself and in legal literatures/books, particularly those related to stealing and corruption. The result in a juridical aspect form was then written down in a descriptive-analytical way. The conclusion of this paper was the answer to the problems abovementioned as follows: that electricity stealing can be qualified as a corruption crime and that any electricity stealing brings about losses in the state's finance.

  3. Research Article
    Exploration on Chinese Traditional Security Culture - From the Perspective of Confucianism PDF
    Lunhua Tan, Chuandong Ma
    The Chinese traditional culture with a long history of five thousand years is extensive and profound. Confucian, one of the most important representative of Chinese traditional culture, has advocated its moral standard "benevolence", whose connotation defined by Confucius is "to love and care for others", and its essence is to respect life. When one's life is threatened, Confucius believes that life is the most important and assuring the safety of life is the supreme principle. He even uplifts this kind of behavior to the level of "filial piety" and "righteousness" in the Confucian ethical framework. Confucius's life attitude and safety behavior lay a solid cultural foundation for today's four principles of safety culture: not to harm oneself, not to hurt others, not to be hurt by others and to protect others from harm.

  4. Research Article
    Strategically Alliances and Distinction Competitions: Study on Profitability Analysis: A Case of Al-Sahara Libyan Bank & BNP Paribas French Bank PDF
    Munir Ali Husien, Han Liyan

    The enterprise who wish to continue in business should adopt the system of cooperation with other organizations engage in the activity, which assist it in achieving its aims and in achieving the objectives of economic institutions collaborating , the Utility is mutual in this case, because the common interest that emphasizes the need for cooperation.

    The strategic alliance between economic option that promotes growth and development by allowing pooling capacities and competencies of allied economic organizations, this study and evaluation of its Profitability activities became important so as to ensure its efficiency and effectiveness. Where, the Profitability activity is one of the most important activities, which ensure the significant reason for the importance of evaluation. The research aims to study and analyze the Profitability which be applied at one of the commercial banks that operating in Libya (Sahara Bank), after entering into a strategic alliance with the French bank (BNP PARIBAS ).

    The main results of the study followed: a) the lower on the value  of profits, the financial position and deposit certificates . b) there is a decline of dealing with the loss of important elements customers for lack of confidence in the foreign partner.

  5. Research Article
    Informality and Formalization of Informal Settlements at the Turn of the Third Millennium: Practices and Challenges in Urban Planning PDF
    Nilva Karenina Aramburu Guevara

    Over the past decades, urban growth dynamics, experiences of instability, the pressing need for housing and the seeming intricacies of political decisions and policies has made the issue of informality quite a dominating phenomenon. Though policy makers, professionals and researchers share different views on the process of formalization within urban space, it is to a large extent a shared principle that it is a process that requires an action and often viewed with a social-spatial contempt for the quality of urban space. The process and manifestation of informality varies across space and society in a way that could be described as a differentiated existence. The essence of this study was to analyze different approaches of "formalizing informality" through a case study approach to deduce successes and weaknesses from this actions as well as stipulating important hints for professionals dealing with such a growing phenomenon.

    Through a desk study approach primarily based on literature and secondary data, but also an informant data collection, the study analyzes cases selected from southern Europe (Mediterranean countries), Africa and Latin America regions due to the predominance of informal developments (semi-informality, squatting informality and hybrid informality) and also documented actions on formalizing these informal activities on urban space. The findings from the study across these countries in different continents and also varying social-spatial systems revealed fragmented and isolated approaches that failed to recognize the wider and intersecting issues surrounding informality. All cases shared a fundamental principle in their approaches; that formalization still remains a work in progress, the most immediate policy option to control informal areas, responsive, convenient and a persistent tendency to policy makers and authorities. The study proposes the need for new perspectives that considered sustainable funding for addressing the issue of formalization, provision of preventive measures that deal with the emergence of informality, community participation and partnership, coalitions for economic and social development programs, and providing flexible alternatives that are responsive to the diversity of income groups.

  6. Research Article
    My Music, My Language, My Identity; Traditional and Contemporary Music of the Dagbamba PDF
    Abdulai Salifu

    The paper seeks to examine traditional and contemporary Dagbamba music in Dagbamba personal and public identity. It is my goal to also analyze the various ingredients that go into the music played in this setting, and look at the social functions they play. I will argue that the two forms contrast only in style, but they do complement, rather than compete against or even conflict with each other.

    This paper further juxtaposes the two broad genres (old and new[1]) by doing diachronic and synchronic analysis of with the This then, is a diachronic and synchronic analysis of Dabamba music aim to arrive at common threads that connect these forms.

    The two broad categories of music from Dagbaŋ shall be considered in this paper: traditional "drum"[2] (and fiddle), and pop music sung on the local scene in the Dagbanli language.

  7. Research Article
    Present Language Using in the Publicity of Sichuan Liquor PDF
    Xianjun Tan
    Ancient Sichuan liquor culture is a miracle in Chinese liquor culture. Representatives of Sichuan liquor, such as Wuliangye, Jiannanchun, Luzhou Laojiao, Tuopai and Langjiu, make up almost half of the famous liquor brands in China. This paper is an initial attempt to introduce the language used in the publicity of Sichuan liquor brands and it aims to spread the Sichuan liquor culture and let people around the world know more about Sichuan liquor.