Vol 17, No 2

Table of Contents

  1. Research Article
    Inclusion of Home Economics Industrial Subjects in the Curriculum of Masvingo High Schools, Zimbabwe PDF
    Lilian Manwa
    The aim of this study was to find out the inclusion levels of Home Economics industrial subjects in the curriculum of Masvingo high schools, Zimbabwe. This inquiry employed a descriptive survey design so as to establish the inclusion levels of the industrial subjects. A sample of forty-two participants was conveniently sampled from six high schools which were also conveniently selected from fifteen high schools in Masvingo. In-depth interviews and open-ended questionnaires were used as instruments to collect data from the school heads, Home Economics teachers and school pupils studying Home Economics subjects, respectively. Data were presented in narrative form and analysed around the research questions. The findings from this present study revealed that only six schools out of the fifteen high schools in the district are offering industrial subjects. The study established that three government schools and one mission school offered the subjects because they were chosen as pilot schools. This may imply that there is very little which is happening as far as the inclusion levels of the very important industrial subjects. The study also revealed that the major factors inhibiting the implementation of the policy to include industrial subjects in high schools were lack of resources, knowledge and information about the importance of the vocational subjects. The study therefore recommends that there is need for all stakeholders to put concerted efforts and finance the Home Economics subjects in order to improve on the implementation levels. School heads and or school administrators should be conscientised by the curriculum implementation section of the Ministry of Education on the importance of industrial subjects.

  2. Research Article
    Russian intervention in the Middle East: Political and Economic Dimensions PDF
    Abdulrahman Al-Fawwaz
    Russia being one of the major super powers in the region not only ceased to view the Middle East as the secondary important player and develop much interest in the region based on its interest and diplomacy. The interventions of Russia in the Middle East started since 2011 where they played their role to secure the regions' interest against the West. However, this influenced deeply the economic and political situation in the Arab world, due to various circumstances. The purpose of the paper is to develop comprehensive understanding towards the rising influence of the Russia and its intervention in the Middle East, based on gaining the political and economic dimensions towards it. The aim of the study is to conduct the critical analysis on the issue by means of gathering secondary data from past studies. The findings of the paper helped in revealing that the fall of the Soviet Union changed the dynamics of the region where much of the political and economic changes have been witnessed due to series of tensions and conflicts. However, since 2011, Russia tried to portray its positive involvement in harmonizing the Middle Eastern conflicts, but the Western conflicts with the communists affected the political scenario of the entire region. The implications involve much emphasis towards playing an influential role in reducing the situation of conflict and war in Syria, Palestine, Yemen and its adjoining areas. The relationship between Iran and Russia are with the common interest to reduce the political involvement of the West in the Central Asia; therefore, it is imperative for Russia to take other major regional powers onboard so that a positive dialogue can be ensured.

  3. Research Article
    Using the UTAUT Model to Determine Factors Affecting Acceptance and Use of Mobile Health (mHealth) Services in Bangladesh PDF
    Mohammad Zahedul Alam, Wang Hu, Zapan Barua
    mHealth is one of the most promising technologies that has emerged in recent years and could prove to have considerable value to both health services providers and patients for achieving the sustainable development goals (SDGs). But, the adoption of mHealth faces many challenges and barriers, including cultural, technological, personal, organizational and social issues which must be addressed and treated carefully by mHealth services providers. The aim of this study is to identify the critical factors affecting the adoption of mHealth in healthcare system of Bangladesh by extending the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) model to include perceived reliability and price value. A cross sectional survey questionnaire was used to collect data from 296 participants from different public and private hospitals in Dhaka city of Bangladesh. Result demonstrates that performance expectancy, effort expectancy, social influence, facilitating condition & perceived reliability had significant influence on the intention to adopt mHealth services in Bangladesh. Surprisingly, price value (p>0.05) had no significant influence on adoption of mHealth services. With the proposed model, it is possible to develop better mHealth services to meet the requirements of the common people based on widely available smartphone. The findings of this study will be beneficial for the government agencies, mobile phone operators, policy makers, healthcare providers and NGOs in developing countries.

  4. Research Article
    The Theatre of the Absurd PDF
    SamerZiyad Al Sharadgeh
    The Theatre of Absurd started in the early 20th Century by a group of dramatists who considered themselves intellectuals and wanted to show their reaction to the realistic dramatists of the 19thCentury who were very popular in their time. The Theatre of Absurd was a reaction against the realistic drama of the 19thCentury. Gradually this movement became very popular among the audience of the time. Martin Esslin made the form popular. He wrote a book entitled Absurd Drama which propagates the theory and principles of Absurd Drama. Many dramatists like Samuel Beckett, Eugene O' Neil, Arthur Adamov,and EdwardAlbee etc.Wrote many absurd plays which became very popular among the audience. Although it declined in beginning of the 21st century but still even in our age there are some dramatists like Harold Pinter, who wrote Absurd plays. In this paper we will discuss the definition of Absurd plays, a brief history of Absurd Movement and chief characteristics of the absurd Drama.

  5. Research Article
    Literature Review on Intercultural Sensitivity PDF
    Zhao Guangcun
    This study is to make a literature review on the research of ICS from the following perspectives, including the definition of ICS, main tools of assessing ICS, and research of ICS home and abroad. By analyzing the related literature, the author reaches conclusions as follows: 1) ICS is the attitudinal and emotional aspect of ICC, which should be researched dynamically. 2) Chen and Starosta's ISS is the most frequently-used tool (IDI sometimes) while conducting the ICS research. 3) Most of the studies use quantitative method to analyze the data, and it is rare to combine quantitative and qualitative methods together. 4) Diverse types of subjects are researched in the studies.