The Impact of Citizenship Education in Nurturing Students’ Positive Behaviours: Exploring the Perceptions of Students in a Private School in Dubai

Author(s): Hind Alzarouni, Solomon Arulraj David

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Published: 2023-05-08

Abstract: The aim of this study is to analyse the impacts of citizenship education (CE) in enhancing positive behaviours among students. The study particularly explored the perceptions of students on this in a private school in Dubai. Theory of global citizenship and social theory of global citizenship were influential in this study to form necessary theoretical understanding. A questionnaire with quantitative and qualitative questions were distributed among high school students to measure the impact of citizenship education in nurturing students’ positive behaviours. The findings of the research indicate that CE helps learners improve their interpersonal capabilities and their positive behaviours. The study contents that citizenship education enhances positive learning experience among students. As this is a single case study focusing on one institution it is difficult to generalize the findings. The study claims that CE is an important element that can enhance learners’ achievement. It is concluded that CE increases learning, making important decisions, and improving personal learning.