Empowering Rural Women in India during Covid-19: A Brief Study Considering Future Sustainability

Author(s): Moumita Banerjee

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Published: 2020-07-09


Empowerment is a multidimensional process that fosters power in people to access available opportunities without limitations and restrictions. Rural Indian women like its urban counterparts are equally proactive in fighting the pandemic with proper planning, flawless execution and backbreaking work. This paper is subdivided into Part I and Part II. Part I mainly attempts to capture how the collective strength of women's SHGs has come to the fore in combating the disease. Women in remote areas have showed their sewing skills by supplementing Personal Protective Equipments (PPEs) for health professionals and administrative staffs in the field. Women Self Help Groups in different states have provided free meals to the weaker sections during the crisis period of lockdown. Part II of the paper focuses on the significant role of rural Indian women towards sustainability after Covid crisis.