Art as an Experience of Cognition of the Other and Self-Cognition

Author(s): Elena V. Ryaguzova

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Abstract: The paper outlines theoretical reflection of art as an experience world that proves that art helps to understand Other and see oneself in various discourses. Art reveals essential characteristics of Other, broadens axiological horizons of reflexive field of a subject's experience and designs a new identity model through communicative practices. The results of original empirical research are presented. The research was conducted by surveying and testing on a sample consisting of 100 people. It is argued that through the art of man to know the world in its totality and diversity sets polylogical connection with Other, enters into dialogue with himself/herself, pushes the boundaries of everyday life and design a new model of identity, value-rich, semantic and moral and ethical dimensions. It is revealed that the evaluation of own qualities and quality of Other causes and dynamics of the processes of self-understanding of self-identity.