Investigation of 4th Grade Students' Geometric Thinking Levels and Success Scores in Terms of Different Variables

Author(s): Volkan SAYIN, Keziban ORBAY

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Abstract: The aim of this study is to investigate the 4th grade students' geometric thinking levels and achievement scores in terms of some demographic variables by using the Geometric Thinking Level Test. The data has been collected with 429 elementary school students at 10 elementary schools in Amasya employing the Geometric Thinking Level Test. The collected data has been analyzed by SPSS22 program. Based on analyzing the collected data, it is found that 4th grade students' geometric thinking level is low. Furthermore, participant students' geometric thinking success score has been examined. As a result; even though gender, parents' education level, parents' occupation, and using computer at home are statistically significant, whether or not getting pre-elementary education is not statistically significant on students' geometric thinking success score.