Agronomic Performances and Ratoon-ability of Sugarcane (Saccharum officinarum L.) Genotypes in Forest-Savannah-Transition Agro-ecology

Author(s): Ogunniyan, D.J., S.A. Olakojo, G. Olaoye, B.O. Ogunruku, L.D. Busari

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Abstract: Testing for cane and sucrose production potentials in more than one crop under less suitable condition is important to improve sugarcane's productivity. Thus, 12 sugarcane breeding lines were evaluated for agronomic performances and ratoon-ability in Forest-Savannah-Transition agro-ecology for two years. The trial was laid out in randomized complete block design with three replicates. Plant stands were counted at 3, 8 and 12 weeks after planting (WAP). Millable stalks (MLS) were sampled for brix percentage (BP) at 36, 40, 44 and 52 WAP. Cane stalks were harvested at 52 WAP when internodes and yield data were taken. The data collected were subjected to analysis of variance separately and combined for plant and ratoon crops. Means were separated using Least Significant Difference between crops and Duncan Multiple Ranged Test within crops. Significant differences exited in genotypes, crops and genotypes × crops for germination counts (GC), tiller counts (TC), stem diameter (STD), total stalk counts (TSC), internode length (INL), total stalk weight (TSW), MLS and flower traits. B70607 had highest GC, TCs and TSC; Hat-4 and EBON-006 had highest STD while Akwa-005, CO1001, IMO-002 and TRITON were among those with highest stalk height. The B70607, DB37/145, F141, Hat-4 and IMO-002 had highest TSW in plant crop while Akwa 005, B70607, CO1001, EBON-006, Hat-4, IMO-002 and TRITON had the highest in ratoon crop. Brix percentage differed for plant and ratoon crops at 36 and 52 WAP, but effects of genotype × crop were significant in all the sample periods. Genotype Cp65-357 had highest BP across the sampling periods. Performance of the ratoon crop at the formative stage was higher than that of the plant crop. Millable stalk was 20% and 14% of TC and TSC, respectively. B70607, IMO-002 and Hat-4 are suitable for both plant and ratoon crops while DB 37/145, Hat-4, IMO-002 and TRITON are identified for breeding purposes. Cp65-357 and CO1001 may be considered for higher ratoon-ability in more than one ratoon crops for their high sucrose content.