The Establishment of the Kongo in the Teke Territory of the Pool XVII-XXth Century

Author(s): Dominique OBA, Nzoussi Hilaire Kevin

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Abstract: This article was aimed at assessing the establishment of the Kongo in the Teke territory of the Pool XVII-XXth century. Furthermore, the article sought to explore how the Kongo settled on the Teke territory. The Teke space, as we know through the peoples who had occupied and occupied it, is almost the whole of the Republic of the Congo: from the foothills of the Mayombe to the Congolese basin, Alima and the Likouala. In the Congolese territory, hydronyms, toponymy, that is to say, the names of rivers, mountains, villages, and forests ... are enough to get an idea of the countries Teke once. Numerous results of researchers and researchers show that the Teke were the first to occupy the present area of the Republic of Congo in general and the department of the pool in particular. This study tries to trace the history of the occupation of the said territory by the Kongo considered as the new arrivals, and the heritage left by the Teke people in this space.