Preliminary Investigation of the Status of Domestic and Commercial Sewage Management in Benin Metropolis, Nigeria

Author(s): D. I. Igbinomwanhia, I.S. Opoke, S.O. Omorose, Y.U. Yakubu, S.C. Oniovusa

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Abstract: Among the multitude of problems in Benin metropolis waste appears to be the most prominent in recent years. However, efforts on waste management in Benin metropolis is directed mainly towards solid waste stream as it seems to be more problematic. This study was therefore carried to as a preliminary investigate of the status of sewage and sewage management in Benin metropolis. The study was broken down into two phases "“ A study of current sewage management system in Benin metropolis and a survey of the chemical composition of household (Residential, commercial and institutional) sewage  in Benin metropolis. The results obtained shows that sewage is discharged into soak-away pit without treatment. The range of potassium found in the samples of sewage analysed in the laboratory was 5.89 mg/l to 152.91mg/l and  the range of phosphorus was 0.08 mg/l to 9.96 mg/l.  In addition the range of lead and mercury were 0.01 mg/l to 0.16 mg/l and 0.04mg/l to 0.52 mg/l. Considering these results from the study there is need for serious attention to be given to sewage management in Benin metropolis.