Global Public Goods and Sustainable Development

Author(s): Mehmet Nar

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Abstract: Global problems which are among the most serious issues of our era have become a threat in terms of the existence of the world and human beings. The main concept we encounter in connection with aforesaid problems is sustainable development. The concept of sustainability focuses on that human beings have the right to live in harmony with nature and the necessity not to ignore developmental and environmental needs of future generations while meeting the needs of present generations. Nowadays it is seen that the concept of sustainable development is handled with various concepts. One of the most important of these concepts is global public goods. Especially in recent years it seems that global public goods are the whole of concepts which are suggested to define especially the activities concerning the environment. Our study primarily focuses on an analysis of sustainable development processes and the progress made. Then, while trying to question the improvements in global public goods, it is discussed to what extent the methods used in financing global public goods are realistic or effective.