Sustainable Energy Future for Nigeria: The Role of Engineers

Author(s): Promise U. Chukwu, I.U. Ibrahim, J.O. Ojosu, H.A. Iortyer

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Abstract: Energy is an essential input for social development and economic growth. It provides basic needs and services such as heating, cooling, cooking, lighting, and transportation and is a critical production factor in virtually all sectors of industry. Sustainable energy development has currently taken over the lead as the most focal point in determining the developmental level of countries in the world. This paper discussed the current status of energy, examined the development and energy infrastructure in Nigeria. Engineers have a unique role to play in order to achieve this objective when compared with other occupations in industrial organizations. They play a semi-independent role influenced by their national diversity. Engineers, therefore, are under increasing pressure to redefine their roles and re-equip themselves with necessary skills and knowledge to meet adequately the contemporary changes. The paper also looked at the challenges engineers face in carrying out this role and also made suggestion of the possible ways of addressing those challenges.