Choice of Shopping Outlets for Grocery Products and the Socio-Economic Profile of Female Consumers in Lagos Nigeria

Author(s): Ben E.A. Oghojafor, Kennedy Ogbonna Nwagwu

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Abstract: This study is intended to ascertain the impact of socioeconomic variables on store choice for grocery products.  Outlet for shopping is an integral choice set of today's modern customer. As a result, retailers' understanding of customers' store patronage behavior is essential. The study employed a descriptive and cross-sectional research design.  Respondents for this study were female residents of Lagos State of Nigeria, who by culture shop for their families especially for groceries. Questionnaire served as the study instrument. Copies were administered to the respondents by early part of August, 2013. Respondents were drawn through a convenience sampling technique. Though, 275 copies of the instrument were administered, 220 were successfully completed and returned. Pearson moment correlation coefficient and the Chi square were used to test the hypotheses while SPSS (version 19) aided in analyzing generated data. The results obtained were statistically insignificant with all the null hypotheses having (P>0.005), hence none were rejected. Conclusions were reached that the choice of retail outlet for groceries by Nigerian women is not influenced by their socioeconomic variables such as income, level of education, type of employment, marital status and family size.