Vol 6, No 1

Table of Contents

  1. Research Article
    Sustainable Economic Development through Environmental Management Systems Implementation PDF
    Mădălina Giorgiana Mangra, Elena Antoanela Cotoc, Aurelia Traistaru

    Environmental Management protects valuable environmental assets, manages local areas on the most suitable way and develops relationships between people and the natural environment. Organizations are increasingly concerned to achieve and demonstrate environmental performance, controlling their activities, products or services on the environment. These issues are enrolled in the legislation context more and more stringent, of the development of economic policies and other measures designed to encourage environmental protection, increase business concern on environmental issues, including sustainable economic development.

    Thus, the complex systems of the integrated management (environmental, quality, security, energy) provide the circumstance for continuous improvement of industrial performance, including product quality and prevention and reducing environmental pollution.

    EMS implementation requires a thorough regard of some phases (stages) characteristic of the environmental analysis performed by an organization. The 19 stages of EMS implementation outline the steps that the organization follows to develop an effective environmental policy.

  2. Research Article
    Differential Effectiveness of Contingency Management and Cognitive Restructuring in the Reduction of Truancy among Secondary School Adolescent PDF
    Josephine. A Oliha
    The main thrust of this paper is on the efficacy of two instructional strategies "“ contingency management and cognitive restructuring in the reduction of truancy among secondary school adolescents in Edo State.  Experimental pre-test, post-test and control group design was adopted in the study.  One hundred and forty four students were randomly selected in the four chosen schools.  Three hypotheses were tested at 0.05 level of significance and the results obtained indicated significant differences in truant behaviour of students exposed to treatment strategies than those in control group.  Also, significant difference existed in truancy treatment between students exposed to contingency management strategy and those exposed to cognitive restructuring.  The researcher however recommends these two strategies to be introduced in the school's programme and that seminars, conferences and symposia are organized for the class teachers on how to effectively use these behaviour modification strategies in the management of students with truant behaviour.

  3. Research Article
    A Comparative Study on User Satisfaction with the Management of Library Services in Three Academic Libraries in Benue State-Nigeria PDF
    Bua Felix Terhile, Yawe A. Anthanisus
    This study sought to compare user-satisfaction with services in three academic libraries in Benue State, Nigeria. A sample of 500 registered library users was randomly selected for the study. Instrument for data collection was a 25 item questionnaire. A research question and hypothesis was tested using one-way analysis of variance and Fisher's protected t-test analysis at 0.05 alpha levels. The findings of the study revealed that; type of institutions was a function of user satisfaction with library service and those users of Federal University of Agriculture library Makurdi were significantly more satisfied with their library services than users of Benue State University and College of Education Katsina-Ala libraries. The study recommends that academic libraries should store information materials in the right quantity and quality and they should be properly organized to meet the needs of clientele.

  4. Research Article
    Study on the Computer and Internet Assisted Adult English Teaching PDF
    Xianjun Tan
    English is a foreign language rather than a second language in the mainland of China; therefore, lack of real life environment for English learning is an inevitably realistic limitation.  The development of the technology provides a language environment which is more real than the traditional teaching environment for English learners. This essay probes into the theoretical foundation, practical significance and problems of the computer and Internet assisted adult English teaching. Teaching adults English based on computer and Internet aims to promote the sound development of adult English teaching.

  5. Research Article
    The Concept of Myth PDF
    Ubaldo Lugli

    In search of a scientifically useful minimal definition of the term "myth", this article traces the development of the concept from the cultural environment of classical Greece, in which it was born, until its modern use in the framework of socio-anthropological studies.

    Of all the terms of the vocabulary of religious anthropology "myth'' is certainly the most used one. Unfortunately, its wide-spread use is directly proportional to its indeterminateness. Moreover, it regards not only the everyday lexis (what is exactly intended, when, for instance, people call an actor or a soccer player "mythic"?), but also  academic communications: various authors can intend by this concept diametrically opposed things.

  6. Research Article
    Elections, Politics and Identities in Zimbabwe PDF
    Hardlife Stephen Basure
    The study revisits the issue of identity and examines it within the political dispensation of the country during and after the recent elections in Zimbabwe. It is the assumption of the study that people shift identities and systematically switch between various political identities in an endeavour to position themselves strategically in different situations. In Zimbabwe, politics is not only about leadership and service delivery; it is about one's life chances, access to resources and even access to basic needs. Being identified by any particular political identity determines the opportunities and options available to an individual. The study also takes aboard an analysis of the most common indicators of identity in an attempt to uncover the politics of belongingness in Zimbabwe's political climate. Issues of dress and language are analysed to understand their contribution to Zimbabwean political identities. Case studies were largely drawn from Masvingo province with occasional reference to other parts of the country. Identities are crucial determinants in both macro and micro-politics characterizing resource distribution in Zimbabwe. Politics is crucial in resource distribution, and service delivery as supported by various examples which point to the politicization of resource distribution. Being labelled the Other, has implications on inclusion and exclusion in resource allocation.

  7. Research Article
    Deconstructing the Colonial Legacy through the Naming Process in Independent Zimbabwe PDF
    Magudu Snodia, Muguti Tasara, Mutami Nicholas
    When Zimbabwe attained national independence from the British in 1980, the new black leadership faced many social, economic and political challenges which needed to be addressed in one way or the other. Immediate attention was given to the need to reverse the colonial legacy of racial discrimination in accessing resources and services but there were other subtle heritages, such as place names, which needed to be addressed if true independence was to be realized. This paper examines the extent to which the change of place names, buildings and other infrastructure has contributed in deconstructing the colonial legacy and rebranding the country to give it a truly Zimbabwean identity. It is asserted however, that the process of deconstructing the legacy of colonial names is still incomplete and a lot remains to be done in this respect for Zimbabwe to reflect its true black heritage.

  8. Research Article
    Non-Test Appraisal Techniques: Biographies and Autobiographies PDF
    John Sedofia
    In counselling, information regarding the personality assets and liabilities of the counselee plays a very significant role in the counsellor's work. Guidance is said to be for individuals who want to understand themselves and their world. Indeed, the client cannot understand himself if there is no data regarding his interests, personality characteristics, mental ability, achievement, and special aptitudes. Information is required about clients at every stage of the counselling process. Psychological tests provide a very useful source of this information. But the truth is that psychological tests are not infallible, and the information they provide is inadequate most of the time. Herein comes the need to supplement information from psychological tests with information from other sources such as biographies, autobiographies, observations, cumulative records, and so forth. These sources of information are known as non-test appraisal techniques. This paper discusses biographies and autobiographies as two of the non-test techniques of gathering appraisal data on counselees. The discussion is done under the sub-themes: basic assumptions, nature, types, uses and limitations of biographies and autobiographies.

  9. Research Article
    The Deep Dilemmas of the New Criminal Evidence Rules in China PDF
    Wang Chao, Zhang Yu
    To solve the low rates of witness testimony in court, coercion, and other problems, the National People's Congress (NPC) created large-scale modifications in the criminal evidence rules when amending the Criminal Procedure Law (CPL) of the People's Republic of China (P.R.C) (1996 Revision) in 2012. Although the new criminal evidence rules have made remarkable progress from the legal text, they will be confronted with some deep dilemmas in judicial practice. If China could not take effective measures to deal with these dilemmas, the revised criminal evidence rules would neither be thoroughly executed nor really resolve the above mentioned problems.